Apostolic Life in the 21st Century
A podcast dedicated to helping modern-day believers live out the teachings of the first century church. This podcast is part of the teaching ministry of Dr. David K. Bernard, the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International.
Apostolic Life in the 21st Century
How Do You Prepare Sermons?
July 31, 2023
David K. Bernard
Season 3
Episode 118
In this episode, Dr. David K. Bernard shares practical insights on sermon and Bible study preparation, including the tools and tactics he uses to capture sermon ideas and illustrations. Every pastor, preacher, and Bible student will benefit from the wisdom Dr. Bernard has gleaned from more than forty years of pulpit ministry.
In this episode, Dr. Bernard references the following resources:
- Spiritual Leadership in the Twenty-First Century by David K. Bernard
- We Preach by Jerry Jones
- Life Preaching by Jonathan McClintock
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