Apostolic Life in the 21st Century
A podcast dedicated to helping modern-day believers live out the teachings of the first century church. This podcast is part of the teaching ministry of Dr. David K. Bernard, the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International.
198 episodes
What Should Apostolic Singles Look for in a Spouse?
Dr. David K. Bernard shares biblical wisdom regarding what Apostolic Pentecostal singles should look for in a spouse. Dr. Bernard highlights the characteristics that make for a strong, lasting, Christian marriage.Visit
Season 5
Episode 198

Is It OK for Apostolics to Listen to Secular Music?
Dr. David K. Bernard discusses whether it’s OK for Christians to listen to secular music. He offers biblical insights and practical advice on how Apostolic Pentecostals should approach this question.Visit
Season 5
Episode 197

Should My Church Be Affiliated with the UPCI?
David K. Bernard clarifies what it means for a local church to be affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International. Does affiliation give the UPCI control over a church's pastor or property? What about voting membership and adherence...
Season 5
Episode 196

Multicultural Ministry in a Divided Age
Dr. David K. Bernard discusses the importance of multicultural ministry in a time of political, cultural, ethnic, and racial division. Dr. Bernard also reviews the United Pentecostal Church International's efforts to take the gospel to every cu...
Season 5
Episode 195

Is Small Group Ministry Biblical?
Dr. David K. Bernard discusses the biblical foundation and growing popularity of small group ministry.Visit PentecostalPublishing.com to shop Dr. Bernard's full...
Season 5
Episode 194

Why Should I Be Part of a Local Church?
If eternal salvation is a personal matter between an individual and God, why should believers bother with being part of a local church? Dr. David K. Bernard responds to this frequently asked question by explaining why all Christians should be f...
Season 5
Episode 193

Getting Things Done in Ministry
Dr. David K. Bernard shares practical advice on how leaders can get things done during the busiest seasons of life and ministry. Dr. Bernard's advice and insights are applicable to any leader who wants to be efficient and effective in the comin...
Season 4
Episode 192

Travel Stories with Dr. David K. Bernard
Dr. David K. Bernard shares stories from his travels as an itinerant missionary and general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International. From growing up in Korea as the son of missionary parents to preaching behind the Iron Cu...
Season 4
Episode 191

Is It OK to Consult a Psychic?
Popular psychics, tarot card readers, and astrologers have amassed large followings on social media and elsewhere. Does the Bible say anything about these activities? Is this dabbling in the occult or just harmless fun? Dr. David K. Bernard res...
Season 4
Episode 190

Where Do Dinosaurs Fit in the Creation Story?
Where do dinosaurs fit in the creation narrative of Genesis 1-2? Dr. David K. Bernard reviews the possibilities that have been put forward by believing scientists and scholars. If you or someone you know has ever questioned how to reconcile the...
Season 4
Episode 189

What Happens at the Great White Throne Judgment?
Revelation 20:11-15 describes what is often referred to as the "Great White Throne Judgement." Dr. David K. Bernard explains what the Bible says about this prophetic event and the eternal fate of those who will be present.Visit
Season 4
Episode 188

What Is the Gift of Faith?
In 1 Corinthians 12:9, Paul lists faith as one of the gifts of the Spirit. In this podcast episode, Dr. David K. Bernard explains the difference between the "gift of faith" and the faith that is a prerequisite for salvation.For more on ...
Season 4
Episode 187

What Happened at Azusa Street?
The Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles in the early 20th century gave birth to the modern Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Dr. David K. Bernard explains what happened at Azusa Street and how those events have shaped the current religious...
Season 4
Episode 186

What Miracles Have You Seen?
Dr. David K. Bernard explains why Pentecostals believe in miracles and emphasize the miraculous in their prayers and preaching. He also shares accounts of miracles he has witnessed in his own life and ministry.Visit
Season 4
Episode 185

US Presidential Election Special
In this US presidential election special episode, Dr. David K. Bernard discusses a Christian's civic responsibilities, including proper stewardship of the right to vote and how believers should respond to election outcomes.Visit
Season 4
Episode 184

Are Oneness Pentecostals Modalists?
Are there theological similarities between modern Oneness Pentecostalism and the so-called "modalism" of early church history? In this thought-provoking episode, Dr. David K. Bernard compares what is known about modalism in the early church wit...
Season 4
Episode 183

What Does Salvation by Grace Through Faith Mean?
In Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul wrote, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Some Christians say these verses prove that practices such as baptism cannot ...
Season 4
Episode 182

Why Did Jesus Pray to His Father?
If Jesus is God, why did He pray? Jesus' prayers in the Gospels, particularly in John 17, would seem to present a conundrum for Oneness Pentecostals due to their insistence that there is no separation of persons in the Godhead. Not surprisingly...
Season 4
Episode 181

Didn’t Paul Say We Shouldn’t Speak in Tongues in Church?
Did Paul say Christians shouldn't speak in tongues during church services? Some critics of Pentecostalism make this claim, citing 1 Corinthians 14:23. Dr. David K. Bernard responds to this assertion with a biblical defense of speaking in tongue...
Season 4
Episode 180

How Do You Prepare for General Conference?
Dr. David K. Bernard shares his perspective on the UPCI's annual General Conference, which will be held this week in Long Beach, California. Dr. Bernard discusses his conference schedule and responsibilities, what he does to prepare, and how he...
Season 4
Episode 179

How Do We Pray the Lord’s Prayer?
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us a model prayer which has come to be known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” How do we apply Jesus’ teaching to our own prayers? Dr. David K. Bernard tackles this question in this episode of Apostolic Life in the ...
Season 4
Episode 178

Who Is the Antichrist?
The Scriptures describe an evil leader known as the Antichrist who will arise in the end times to rule the world and oppose God's people. Dr. David K. Bernard reviews what the Bible says about the Antichrist and the signs that will accompany hi...
Season 4
Episode 177

How Did God Create the World through His Son?
Was the Son of God involved in the creation of the world? How do Oneness Pentecostals explain Hebrews 1:1-2, which states, "God ... has in these last days spoken to us by His Son ... through whom also He made the worlds" (NKJV)? Dr. David K. Be...
Season 4
Episode 176

Does the Bible Support the Multiverse Theory?
Does the Bible support the theory of the existence of multiple universes, often referred to as the "multiverse"? Dr. David K. Bernard examines this idea from a scriptural perspective and shares his thoughts on its ramifications for biblical apo...
Season 4
Episode 175

What Is the Word of Wisdom?
In 1 Corinthians 12:7-10, the apostle Paul includes the "word of wisdom" in his list of gifts imparted by the Holy Spirit. Dr. David K. Bernard explains what the word of wisdom is, how it operates, and how it can benefit believers, particularly...
Season 4
Episode 174