Apostolic Life in the 21st Century
A podcast dedicated to helping modern-day believers live out the teachings of the first century church. This podcast is part of the teaching ministry of Dr. David K. Bernard, the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International.
Apostolic Life in the 21st Century
What Happened at Azusa Street?
David K. Bernard
Season 4
Episode 186
The Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles in the early 20th century gave birth to the modern Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Dr. David K. Bernard explains what happened at Azusa Street and how those events have shaped the current religious landscape.
Visit PentecostalPublishing.com to shop Dr. Bernard's full catalog of published works. Search "A History of Christian Doctrine" at PentecostalPublishing.com to access Dr. Bernard's three-volume set on that topic. Enter promo code DKB10 at checkout to save 10 percent on your order.
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